What I Learned From Tina Fey: Bossypants 101

Wednesday 13 November 2019

As we all know, there are many incredibly successful and inspiring female filmmakers out there. One of them is definitely Tine Fey, whom I have mentioned in a previous article as well. 

Seeing how she is a screenwriter, actress, comedian, producer and playwright, it is no surprise that she is a role model for many people in the industry, for both men and women.
In 2011, she released her book Bossypants, which ended up being on the top of the New York Times Best Seller list for weeks and inspired many, including me. This is why I now want to share my favourite quotes from this book. I hope they will have the same motivational effect on you as they did on me!

Don’t waste your energy trying to educate or change opinions; go over, under, through, and opinions will change organically when you’re the boss. Or they won’t. Who cares? 

Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.

We all know how important it is to not let other people’s opinions on our lives stop us from doing what we want to do. 

While this isn’t always easy, especially when the people criticising our actions are important and their opinions matter to us, but we need to remember that this our life, and no one else is in charge but us.

To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair. 

Going with the theme of the previous quote, there will always be people who don’t even know you judging you. 

Whether that be because they are jealous and want to stop you, or just aren’t really thinking about the consequences their words can have, don’t let them effect your mood and just keep going!

There are no mistakes, only opportunities.

We have all heard about how in the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take. 

Even if whatever you decide to do might not immediately lead you to where you want to end up, it might open new doors. 

Personally, I don’t believe in wrong decisions as I think everything you do will at least help you grow, even if at first you might see it as a mistake.

Obviously, as an adult I realise this girl-on-girl sabotage is the third worst kind of female behaviour, right behind saying “like” all the time and leaving your baby in a dumpster.

It’s so important we all support each other and are there for one another. 

It saves so much energy and just feels better to work together instead of against each other, so let’s stick together and all be boss babes who lift each other up! 

There’re enough hurdles out there anyway, so why not make life easier for all of us.

Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.

Don’t be that person who just complains but fails to ever come up with ideas to change things. 

When you are unhappy with a situation or a project you are working on, it is obviously important to raise your voice about it, but doing so without then helping to create a solution won’t help anyone and will just create unnecessary tension. 

And who likes tension, right?

I really hope you enjoyed these quotes and they might help you in some way to put a few things into perspective. Now why don’t we all go out there and make Tina proud!

Jenny Schwender is in her second year of studying Scriptwriting for Film and Television at Bournemouth University. 

She is currently working on a dramedy pilot episode and various short scripts while exploring life on set through different film productions in Germany. 

To know what she’s up to, you can follow her insta @jennyyy_000.

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