The Ultimate Novelist Kit - Top 20 Links (To Read, Learn & Study from)

Monday, 19 February 2018

This covers EVERYTHING any aspiring author could possibly want to know, including links all about how-to self publish, advice from 31 famous authors AND answers to any agent related questions. 

So, get yourself a cuppa and settle down to enjoy the list of goodies I've compiled below! 

1) Getting Ready For NaNoWrimo

Here is a fantastic link detailing EVERYTHING you need to know and do in order to get the most out of the NaNoWrimo challenge!

2) 13 Tips For Productive Writing

We all know how intimidating a blank page or screen can be – Not to worry, here are 13 tips to help make the writing process easier.

3) 25 Ways To Plot, Plan & Prep Your Story

Who knew there were so many different methods to help prepare for your novel! This link by “Terrible Minds” author @ChuckWendig defines each method, so have a browse and get planning.

4) The 4 Story Structures

This link explains 4 story structures and elements that dominate novels, as well as which structure may be the right fit for your story.

5) Advice From 31 Famous Authors

Feeling stuck in a writing rut? Here are 31 tips from famous authors such as Terry Pratchett, Ernest Hemingway, Zadie Smith & Stephen King to inspire you.

6) 7 Apps For Novelists

Here are 7 of the best apps for writers to help make your life that little bit easier if inspiration strikes you while on the go!

7) 21 Tips For Your Opening Scene

Some great advice here on the DO’S & DON’TS of your opening scene – must read for every budding author out there.

8) 9 Rules For Writing Dialogue

Dialogue can be the number one obstacle we all fear. These 9 rules tell you exactly how to overcome this!

9) 11 Tips To Create A Writing Routine

Finding a routine that works for you is SO important! Here are 11 tips to help flex those writing muscles.

10) 10 Tricks To Create Memorable Characters

These 10 tips and tricks should provide some insight on how to create memorable and interesting characters.

11) Creating A Fantasy World

Here are 10 important questions to ask yourself when world building for a fantasy novel. Still very relevant even if fantasy isn’t your genre.

12) Plot Twists

Want to know how to create that amazing plot twist? Every writer wants to achieve that wow moment, so here are the secrets you need to know!

13) 15 Step Self-Edit Guide

These 15 steps cover the first draft all the way to publication! An easy to follow guide to help your self-editing.

14) Why Wattpad?

If you haven’t heard of Wattpad and why it’s such an awesome writing platform, then definitely CLICK HERE!

15) Sagging Middle Syndrome

Having trouble with the middle of your story? This link provides 5 plot devices that can sharpen and focus your middle section in no time!

16) The End Is Near

Making sure your book finishes with a bang is far easier said than done! These tips from @thecreativepenn will certainly help you craft that killer ending.

17) Social Media For Every Writer

A fab source for all your social media concerns, questions and problems. A must read for EVERY writer from @CaballoFrances – I promise social media won’t seem so scary afterwards.

18) To Self Publish or Not?

Here are 15 questions from @JaneFriedman to consider before you decide to self publish or try the traditional route of publishing.

19) 20 Secrets To Winning Competitions

Entering a competition is a great way to gain exposure! Sometimes there’s the added bonus of a cash prize, but with or without, take the plunge and go for it. Who knows, you might just end up winning!

20) All About The Agent

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